Immram Content

Start with user needs

We have to understand your users, and what they're trying to do.

Nothing takes the place of research here – we can't rely on intuition or shouting opinions.

If we don't get this right, I can write all the fine words you like but they won't work.

Work with data

Keep the information coming in: analytics, feedback forms, more research.

We need to know what works, and what doesn't work. Then we can fix it.

Accessibility all the way

It's not just writing for screenreaders - content should work for everyone, whatever their situation.

Clarity and plain English get us some of the way, but let's look at image captioning, link writing, inclusive language – everything.

End-to-end content

Writing some questions, error messages and a bit of guidance is not enough.

  • Are you sending any old-fashioned letters? Texts? Emails?
  • Do your staff need learning material?
  • Is there off-line guidance to write?